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national politics

VIDEO: Wilmer Leon Talks Democratic Strategy
Kamala Harris Juices Up Social Media Excitement for Joe Biden Campaign
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Kamala Harris Juices Up Social Media Excitement for Joe Biden Campaign
Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate
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Joe Biden picks Kamala Harris as running mate
An incumbent goes down in Missouri as anti-establishment candidates make their mark
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An incumbent goes down in Missouri as anti-establishment candidates make their mark
Blacks see Trump as greatest threat
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Blacks see Trump as greatest threat
Donald Trump is perceived by 73% of those interviewed for a national poll as “the single most dangerous threat to African Americans” because of his lack of concern over the damage inflicted by COVID-19.
The GOP is Trump’s party
Trump has managed to do something Reagan could not do, and neither of the Bushes could do: He’s made the GOP totally and completely his GOP.
A to-do list for would-be Democratic Avengers
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A to-do list for would-be Democratic Avengers
Democratic activists must swarm the electoral map so the nominee can deliver a fatal blow to Donald Trump’s reelection machine.
Andrew Gillum aims to change Florida’s political landscape
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Andrew Gillum aims to change Florida’s political landscape
Andrew Gillum is now on a crusade to register a million voters to deliver Florida to national and statewide Democrats.
Poor whites are being conned out of health care
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Poor whites are being conned out of health care
The Republicans now threaten to eliminate the Affordable Care Act. This is contrary to what Trump has promised, but it is certainly what conservatives would want. However, the availability of health insurance under the ACA induced many to ignore that this boon came from Barack Obama.
New write-in option for ethnicity question tested for 2020 Census
The U.S. Census Bureau has changed how they plan to ask respondents about race and ethnicity in the 2020 census. Besides ticking the “Black or African American” check box, when respondents receive the decennial census in April next year there’ll be an additional space for them to write in the non-Hispanic racial origin they identify with. The survey currently being tested by the bureau suggests examples such as Jamaican, Haitian and Nigerian.
A new politics
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A new politics
While ethnic issues are indeed important there are often other considerations of greater significance than the questionable concept of race. As blacks become more involved in sophisticated political, business and professional activities, personal commitments regularly emerge more forcefully than binding ethnic ties.
Democrats face push from left
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Local News
Democrats face push from left
Democratic incumbents in Massachusetts from U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano down to four Boston legislators are facing challenges from left-leaning candidates taking aim at the slow pace of change nationally and locally.