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Dr. Alvin Poussaint, treated the country’s racism, mental health of Black Americans

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Former pizza CEO Herman Cain dies from coronavirus
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Former pizza CEO Herman Cain dies from coronavirus
Tara Reade's failed attempt to disqualify Biden
Tara Reade has accused Biden of sexual assault. Biden has assertively denied the accusation. In the absence of substantial evidence in support of her claim, Biden could not be convicted of the charge. It would be unreasonable for those supporting the election of Biden in November to have their support diminished by an unproven accusation.
Reversing census undercount in Indian Country
Fear, distrust and even anger at the federal government are among the obstacles the 2020 Census must overcome to reach an accurate count, especially of immigrants and communities of color, most experts agree.
Grady Wayne Wilkes vs. Pamela Turner: A tale of two police killing cases
How can so many young whites can kill police officers and live to see a day in court?
Nipsey Hussle is yet another rally cry to battle black-on-black violence
There’s no speculation that Nipsey Hussle is another life lost to senseless violence. This makes his name yet another rallying cry to do any and everything that can be done to stem the violence.
Cheating, not diversity, is unfair
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Cheating, not diversity, is unfair
African American parents often advise their children that they will have to work much harder than whites in order to achieve. That is the older generation’s way of preparing their progeny for the unfair treatment they will encounter in society. Consequently, the scandal of bribery admissions to select universities came as no surprise to blacks, but the brazenly fraudulent strategies to enter colleges has shocked many middle class whites.
New York botches Amazon deal
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New York botches Amazon deal
What happened in New York? Shortly after Amazon named New York as the site of its new headquarters the company management rescinded the decision. What new circumstances caused the change?
‘Green Book’ underscores history of segregation
Now archived in libraries and stored as memorabilia of a time past, the Green Book has passed into history, but structural racism has not. A persistent, truth-seeking set of questions will manifest the evidence of its existence today time and time again.