Walnut Knoll
1 bedrooms1 bathrooms
Affordable Apartment Community
1 Bedroom / Selection By Lottery
~ Brand New 55+/Disabled Community ~
Occupancy Fall 2025
Walnut Knoll
52 Walnut Street, Foxboro, MA 02035
Rents & Income Limits:
Type | # of Apts. | Gross Rent | Income Limit | Minimum Income
1BR | 15 | $2,448 | 80% | $73,440
1BR | 28 | $1,836 | 60% | $55,080
1BR | 3 | $1,530 | 50% | $45,900
1BR | 15 | * | 30% | *
#HH | 30% AMI | 50% AMI | 60% AMI | 80% AMI
1 | $34,260 | $57,100 | $68,520 | $91,360
2 | $39,180 | $65,300 | $78,360 | $104,480
∙ 3 mobility units available
∙ *Applicants who have a housing voucher or qualify for a 30% unit are not subject to the minimum income requirements
Applications available
Building 1: 3/3/25 thru 5/2/25
Building 2: 3/3/25 thru 6/29/25
To apply, visit LiveWalnutKnoll.com or pick-up at Foxboro Town Hall, 40 South St., #1, Foxboro, MA
Informational Meeting:
April 1, 2025
at Foxboro Senior Center, 75 Central St., Foxboro, MA at 4 PM or join virtually via Zoom by clicking on the link at LiveWalnutKnoll.com
Application Deadline:
Submit completed applications online or postmarked no later than 5/2/25 for building 1 and 6/29/25 for building 2 & mail to Walnut Knoll c/o Peabody Properties, 536 Granite St., Braintree, MA 02184
Lottery Drawing:
Details to follow at a later date.
Income, asset & use restrictions apply. Local preferences apply. Rents & income limits based on HUD guidelines and subject to change. For more information, language assistance, or reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities please call 857.281.2634 or email walnutknoll@peabodyproperties.com
Equal Housing Opportunity