1 bathrooms
About Applications are now available for the Bridgeport Project-based (federal-funded) program. The program consists of FOUR (4) studio units with one (1) full bathroom, located at 587 Gifford St, Falmouth, MA. Certain supportive services are available from the landlord.
Applicants must be homeless as defined by the McKinnney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and able to live independently (or with supports) in a studio unit. Occupancy guidelines for studio units are determined by the State of Massachusetts. Units must be leased to applicants that are at or below 30% of the current AMI (Area Median Income).
Applications are designed by the project landlord, Falmouth Housing Corporation. The waiting list is managed by the Falmouth Housing Authority. Applications can be submitted to the Falmouth Housing Authority in person, fax, email or general mail delivery. A confirmation will be provided to all applicants and will state whether the application has been accepted, denied, or if further information is needed to accept the application and be added to the waiting list.
Tenant Selection Plan The Tenant Selection Plan (TSP), which is created by the landlord/owner of the property development, is available for review at the Falmouth Housing Authority. It is also available directly from the landlord. Please inform the housing authority (or landlord) if you would like to receive a copy of the plan. It outlines the general rules for the program and the parameters established for program eligibility. The housing authority may also have additional preferences, not included in the owner’s original tenant plan, that are applied to all applications that are managed through the housing authority.
Visit the housing authority at 115 Scranton Ave, Falmouth, MA 02540 or the landlord at 704 Main St, Falmouth, MA 02540 to obtain an application.
Equal Housing Opportunity