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For Rent

Burbank Terrace

Affordable Housing

MOH Income Restricted Rental Opportunity
Burbank Terrace
72 Burbank Street, Fenway, MA 02115

27 Affordable Units

# of Units | # of BRs | Est. Sq. Ft. | Rent | Maximum Income Limit | # Built Out for Mobility Impairments | # Built Out for Deaf/Hard of Hearing | # Built Out for Mobliity+ Deaf/Hard of Hearing
2 | 1 BR | 430 | 30% of HH Income | 30% | 1 | — | —
5 | 2 BR | 701 | 30% of HH Income | 30% | — | — | —
8 | 0 BR | 372 | $1,340 | 60% | — | — | —
5 | 1 BR | 430 | $1,435 | 60% | 1 | — | —
7 | 2 BR | 701 | $1,721 | 60% | 1 | 1 | —

3 Homeless set-aside units will be filled through direct referral from HomeStart. For more information, please contact us at the email address or phone number below. For direct referrals, please visit

Minimum Incomes
(set by owner + based on # of bedrooms + Area Median Income (AMI))
# of BRs 30% AMI 60% AMI
0 $0 $40,200
1 $0 $43,050
2 $0 $51,630

Maximum Incomes
(set by HUD/MOH + based on household size + Area Median Income (AMI))
HH Size 30% AMI 60% AMI
1 $29,450 $58,920
2 $33,650 $67,320
3 $37,850 $75,720
4 $42,050 $84,120

Minimum incomes apply. Minimum incomes do not apply to households with housing assistance (Section 8, MRVP, VASH) or for the units in this development that include a project-based voucher.

Applications are available during the application period for 60 days, from 4/7/2023 – 6/6/2023

Applications are available in person on the following days, dates, and times in the following place(s)
Day Date Time Location
Monday 4/10/23 5 pm – 8 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Wednesday 4/12/23, 4/19/23, 4/26/23 5 pm – 8 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Thursday 4/13/23, 4/20/23 10 am – 2 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Friday 4/14/23 10 am – 2 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Saturday 4/15/23 10 am – 2 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Tuesday 4/18/23, 4/26/23 8 am – 11 am Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Friday 4/21/23 12 pm – 4 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA
Friday 4/28/23 9 am – 1 pm Fenway CDC Community Room, 70 Burbank Street, Boston, MA

To request an online application or to have one sent by email visit

We will be holding informational meetings on April 13th at 5 pm at BCYF Roslindale Community Center, 6 Cummins Highway, Roslindale MA and on April 20th at 1 pm at Fenway CDC Community Room, Boston, MA. Join virtually, too, through the following link:

DEADLINE: Applications must be submitted online or postmarked no later than June 6, 2023. Mailed to Peabody Properties Inc. c/o Burbank Terrace, 536 Granite St, Braintree, MA 02184

∙ Selection by Lottery
∙ Asset & Use Restrictions Apply
∙ Preferences Apply

For more information, language assistance, or reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities please call 781.917.2333 or email

Equal Housing Opportunity

72 Burbank Street, Boston, MA, USA