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For Rent


Affordable Housing

The Neighborhood Developers

Apply now for affordable homes in Chelsea, MA!

Applications are available for online access at or for in-person pickup at 4 Gerrish Avenue, Rear, Chelsea, MA 02150. Alternatively, applicants can request application forms to be sent to them via mail or email. The application period is from January 17th, 2024 through April 22nd, 2024. Deadline for Completed Applications: Received or postmarked by 4 pm, April 22nd, 2024

Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 am – 4 pm (Fridays until 3 pm, Tuesdays until 7 pm)

Maximum Income Per Household Size (2023 Limits)
HH Size 30% 60% 90%
1 $31,150 $62,340 94,050
2 $35,600 $71,280 107,460
3 $40,050 $80,160 120,960
4 $44,500 $89,040 134,370
5 $48,100 $96,180 145,080
6 $51,650 $103,320 155,880

# of Units Type 90% AMI Rent HH Size
12 1BR $2,250 1-2

# of Units Type 60% AMI Rent HH Size
10 1BR $1,556 1-2
17 2BR $1,864 2-4
9 3BR $2,151 4-6

Contract rent for 8 project based Section 8 units are:
(Eligible Households pay 30% of their income towards rent)

# of Units Type PBV Rent HH Size
5 1BR $2,388 1-2
1 2BR $2,868 2-4
2 3 BR $3,495 4-6

Selection by Lottery!
Informational Meetings at 4 Gerrish Ave, Chelsea:

Monday February 12th 2024, at 7:00 pm
Wednesday February 28th, 2024, at 7:00 pm

(Attendance not required for selection)

Use and Occupancy Restrictions apply. Households with a need for accessible housing will have preference for accessible units. For more info or reasonable accommodations, call Winn Management: 617-884-0692; TTY: 800-439-2370

Preferences for applicants:

  • Homeless due to natural disaster, urban renewal, or sanitary code violations.
  • Displaced due to domestic violence, rape, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking.
  • Requiring the features of an accessible unit.
  • FCF-eligible clients who have been “Certified” via a “Comprehensive Assessment.”

25 Sixth Street and Winn Management do not discriminate because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, handicap,disability, national origin, genetic information, ancestry, children, familial status, marital status or public assistance recipiency in the leasing, rental, sale or transfer of apartment units, buildings, and related facilities, including land that they own or control.

Equal Housing Opportunity