Zoning Hearing Bartlett Place
The Zoning Commission of the City of Boston hereby gives notice, in accordance with Chapter 665 of the Acts of 1956, as amended, that a virtual public hearing will be held on December 9, 2020, at 9:30 A.M., in connection with a petition for approval of The Second Amended and Restated Master Plan for Planned Development Area No. 94, Bartlett Place, (“Second Amended Master Plan”), The Second Amended and Restated Phase 1 Development Plan within Planned Development Area No. 94, Bartlett Place (“Second Amended Phase 1 Development Plan”), and the Phase 4 Development Plan within Planned Development Area No. 94, Bartlett Place (“Phase 4 Plan”), filed by the Boston Redevelopment Authority d/b/a the Boston Planning & Development Agency.
The proposed amendment to the Master Plan PDA is required to allow Phase 1 and Phase 4 to move forward. Phase 1 amendment changes Phase 1A by reducing commercial/retail from approximately 33,000 square feet to 12,000 square feet and increases rental units from approximately 42 to units to 60 units. The Phase 4 amendment proposes a new six-story, up to 52-unit residential building to be situated on approximately 31,000 square foot “Lot D.” The new building will include a parking garage at grade with approximately 17 covered parking spaces.
This meeting will only be held virtually and not in person. You can participate in this meeting by going to https://bit.ly/36Kgjcx. A copy of the petition, the Seconded Amended Master Plan, Second Amended Phase 1 Plan, Phase 4 Plan, and a map of the area involved may be obtained from the Zoning Commission electronically, and you may also submit written comments or questions to jeffrey.hampton@boston.gov.
For the Commission
Jeffrey M. Hampton
Executive Secretary