Special Laundry Services and Maintenance to the NAHA
The North Attleborough Housing Authority (“NAHA”) requests competitive sealed proposals from qualified bidders /offerors to provide Special Laundry Services and Maintenance to the NAHA at THREE (3) locations in the town of North Attleborough for a period of five years. Under this proposal, the Contractor shall perform and furnish all necessary work and insurance affidavits required as described herein. NAHA issues this RFP (and not IFB) because it places high value on service delivery and customer services responses. Questions may be directed to Dan Ouellette by email below. Bids are to be separated into two envelopes: Price and Service. This RFP is available in print at the office address noted below, and by email: Dan@NorthAttleboroHousing.org Bidders must respond with four copies in writing (not by email or fax) on or before 11:00 am March 24, 2023, to:
Dan Ouellette
North Attleborough Housing Authority
20 South Washington Street
North Attleborough, MA 02760-1629