Shipyard Park Waterfront Maritime Infrastructure Improvements
Boston Redevelopment Authority (“BRA”)
d/b/a Boston Planning & Development Agency (“BPDA”)
Request for Proposal for Engineering Design Services for Shipyard Park Waterfront Maritime Infrastructure Improvements in the Charlestown Navy Yard – Phase 2
Dolores Fazio; (617) 918-6209;
The Boston Redevelopment Authority “BRA” d/b/a Boston Planning & Development Agency “BPDA”, by its Chief Procurement Officer is pleased to issue this Request for Proposal (“RFP”) entitled “Engineering Design Services for Shipyard Park Waterfront Maritime Infrastructure Improvements in the Charlestown Navy Yard – Phase 2” the “RFP”. This RFP package including requirements for this project will be available to download on the BPDA Procurement Portal free-of charge in digital print form to all interested respondents on Monday, February 20 at 9:00 A.M at All responses to this RFP must be returned no later than 12:00 noon on March 8, 2023, to: Teresa Polhemus, Secretary, Boston Redevelopment Authority, One City Hall Square, Boston MA 02210. Fee proposals must be submitted under separate cover and in a sealed envelope. Michelle Goldberg, Chief Procurement Officer