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Rehabilitation of the South Jetty Bulkhead, Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, Boston MA

Request for Proposals

Professional Engineering Design Services for Rehabilitation of the South Jetty Bulkhead, Raymond L. Flynn Marine Park, Boston MA

Dolores Fazio, (617) 918-6209,

The Economic Development & Industrial Corporation of Boston d/b/a Boston Planning & Development Agency (“BPDA”), by its Chief Procurement Officer (“CPO”), is pleased to issue this Request for Proposals (“RFP”) to perform Maritime Engineering Design Services for Rehabilitation of the South Jetty Bulkhead (hereinafter, the “Services”) including site investigation, the preparation of public bid documents (per MGL c. 30 39M), permitting, cost estimating, construction administration, resident engineering, environmental oversight and peer review.

The budget for the Design Services is Two Hundred-Ninety Thousand Dollars ($290,000.00). The Services are anticipated to extend through December 2023 for completion of all tasks. RFP Availability: This RFP package will be available to download on the BPDA Procurement Portal free-of charge in digital print form to all interested respondents on January 10, 2022, 9:00 A.M. at Plan holders shall open and register the information requested for “Engineering Design Services for Rehabilitation of the South Jetty Bulkhead,” and then follow the prompt to start file download under the “Work with Us” tab. If unable to access the RFP package through the BPDA Procurement Portal, contact the BPDA Procurement Office at 617-918-5273, or via email to in order to make alternative arrangements. Pre-Submission Conference (two options): All interested respondents are invited to attend 1.) a virtual pre-submission conference on January 19, 2022 at 1:00 P.M. Interested respondents should register for the pre-submission conference at the following link: After registering, interested respondents will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the pre-submission conference. The agenda for the virtual pre-submission conference will be emailed to all plan holders in advance; and/or 2.) respondents are invited to attend an in-person pre-submission conference on January 20, 2022 at 11:00 A.M. at the South Jetty. Attendance at the pre-submission conferences is optional. Please email the BPDA Procurement office at and include Ms. Dolores Fazio, at for more information.

Proposal Submission Deadline: All responses to this RFP must be returned no later than 12:00 noon on February 15, 2022, to: Teresa Polhemus, Clerk, Boston Planning & Development Agency, One City Hall Square, Room 910, Boston, MA 02201-1007. Fee proposals must be submitted under separate cover and in a sealed envelope. Respondents who wish to drop off their respective proposal via courier or in person, must follow COVID protocols for public access to City Hall; see Absolutely no responses will be accepted after the due date and time. Rule for Award: The resulting contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible respondent meeting the quality requirements, satisfying the minimum threshold criteria, and submitting the most advantageous proposal, taking into consideration the comparative evaluation criteria and the fee proposal. Respondents meeting the minimum threshold criteria and quality requirements may be interviewed as part of the evaluation process. The BPDA reserves the right to reject any or all proposals and to waive any minor informalities. The award of this contract is subject to approval by the Economic Development & Industrial Corporation of Boston Board of Directors and is contingent on availability of funds.

Michelle Goldberg, Chief Procurement Officer