In accordance with the provisions of the Massachusetts General Law Section 7-210. notice is hereby given that on 3/12/25 at the hour of 7:30 AM on said date, at, the undersigned will sell at public auction, in lawful money of the United States, the articles described hereinafter described, belonging to, or deposited with the undersigned by the persons hereinafter named at Clutter, INC. Said goods are being held on the accounts of: Amie Mendoza, Monica Barron, Daniel Fastlicht, Junior k dorelas, Nathalie Fontanez, Heekyoung Woo, Ray Chen, Ryan Andaluz.All other goods are described as household goods, furniture, antiques, appliances, tools, misc. goods, office furniture, and articles of art, equipment, rugs, sealed cartons and the unknown. The auction will be held for the purpose of satisfying the lien of the undersigned on said personal property to the extent of the sum owed, together with the cost of the sale. For information contact Clutter, INC. Terms: Terms: All bids must be made online at between 3/12/25 and 3/19/25. Bids must be made in $10 increments. All purchased items are accepted on an as-is basis. The defaulted tenant has the legal right to cure the account thus canceling the auction up until the payment is received from the winning bidder unless otherwise stated in the state’s lien laws or by the storage facility. If the winning bidder has not submitted payment within 24 hours of the auction close time, the unit can be offered to alternate bidders. Bidders are liable for their winning bids and associated premiums, taxes, and fees regardless of whether they claim the property in the auction unit(s). Payment must be made online using a valid credit or debit card. Dated: 2/6/25 at Franklin, MA By: Clutter, INC, Tel. No. (800) 805-4023.