The MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY (Massport) is soliciting Construction Management at Risk Services for MPA PROJECT NO. L1830-CX DANVERS LOGAN EXPRESS, DANVERS, MA (the project). In accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 149A, Sections 1 thru 13, Massport is seeking a highly qualified and competent Construction Manager (CM) to provide preconstruction services and implement the construction of the Project in accordance with an agreement where the basis for payment is the cost of the work plus a fee with a negotiated guaranteed maximum price. This Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is being utilized to prequalify and shortlist CM firms who will be invited to submit proposals in response to a Request for Proposals (RFP) to be issued by Massport.
The proposed Danvers Logan Express will provide bus transportation for local travelers going to and from Boston Logan International Airport. The proposed Danvers Logan Express project includes reconfiguring existing parking lots and constructing a new approximately 5,400 square-foot building located at the Liberty Tree Mall. Site work will include the installation of long-term and short-term parking lots, a bus lane, a pick-up/drop-off area, walkways, curb cuts, utilities for the new building, stormwater infrastructure, rehabilitating areas near wetlands, landscaping and various other site improvements. Utility scope of work will include electrical, sewer, water, and communications for the parking lots and building. The long-term parking area will include approximately 527 parking spaces, while the short-term parking area adjacent to the building will include approximately 20 parking spaces. The new ground-up building will house a public waiting area lobby, ticketing office, manager’s office, break room, restrooms and support spaces. Currently, a temporary Danvers Logan Express operates out of this property. As part of this project, a permanent facility will be constructed to transition from this existing temporary facility. The proposed construction of the long-term parking will be phased to enable continuous operation of the facility throughout construction.
A Supplemental Information Package which will provide more details on the scope of the Project as well as the selection process and evaluation criteria shall be available as of WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 29, 2025 on Massport website, as an attachment to the original Legal Notice, on CommBuys ( in the listings for this project or by contacting Susan Brace by email at
In addition, a Project Briefing shall be held via Zoom on WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2025 at 10 AM. The briefing is not mandatory; however, it is strongly encouraged in order to best familiarize your firm with the project details and prequalification process.
Meeting ID: 810 1224 7275 One tap mobile +12678310333,,81012247275#
Responses shall be addressed to Luciana Burdi, Intl. Assoc. AIA, CCM, MCPPO, NAC, Director of Capital Programs and Environmental Affairs and no later than 12:00 Noon Local Time on THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 2025 via Bid Express
All questions relative to your submission shall be directed to In the subject lines of your email, please reference the MPA Project Name and Number. It is strictly prohibited for any proponent to contact anyone else from Massport about this project from the time of this solicitation until award of the project to the successful proponent.
Richard A. Davey
CEO & Executive Director