MBTA Contract No. R90CN04 Everett Building #3 Office Renovations at 80 Broadway, Everett MA
Electronic proposals for the following project will be received through the internet using Project Bids until the date and time stated below, and will be posted on www.bidx.com forthwith after the bid submission deadline. No paper copies of bids will be accepted. Bidders must have a valid digital ID issued by the Authority in order to bid on projects. Bidders need to apply for a digital ID with Project Bids at least 14 days prior to a scheduled bid opening date.
Electronic bids for MBTA Contract No. R90CN04 Everett Building #3 Office Renovations at 80 Broadway, Everett MA, CLASS 7 – BUILDINGS, $5,135,993, can be submitted at www.bidx.com until two o’clock (2:00 p.m.) on Thursday April 20, 2023. Immediately thereafter, in a designated room, the Bids will be opened and read publicly.
The project includes the interior renovation and exterior window replacement of approximately 12,000 Square Feet of interior office space located at the second level of Building #3 at MBTA’s Everett Yard, 80 Broadway, Everett MA. The space is currently and will remain unoccupied, however access via Main Entrance shall be coordinated with Facilities Department.
Bidders attention is directed to Appendix 1, Notice of Requirement for Affirmative Action to Insure Equal Employment Opportunity; and to Appendix 2, Supplemental Equal Employment Opportunity, Anti- Discrimination, and Affirmative Action Program in the specifications. While there is no DBE goal associated with this contract, the Authority strongly encourages the use of Minority, Women and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises as prime contractors, subcontractors and suppliers in all of its contracting opportunities.
To view the full Notice to Bidders, please see link below.
On behalf of the MBTA, thank you for your time and interest in responding to this Notice to Bidders
Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority
Jeffrey Gonneville
Interim General Manager
March 22, 2023