Massport MPA Contract No. LP2301
The MASSACHUSETTS PORT AUTHORITY (Authority) is seeking to prequalify contractors under M.G.L. c. 149 Section 44D1/2 to provide operations and maintenance services for MPA CONTRACT NO. LP2301 PASSENGER BOARDING BRIDGES AND BAGGAGE HANDLING SYSTEM OPERATIONS, REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE. The Authority is seeking a qualified firm or team, with proven experience to provide management and operations personnel to operate, maintain, and repair the existing baggage handling system (BHS) and passenger boarding bridges (PBB). These services are expected to be provided at terminals at Logan International Airport and Worcester Regional Airport. The contractor must be able to work closely with the Authority and other interested parties in order to provide such services in a timely and effective manner.
The contractor shall be able to maintain the BHS/PBB in accordance with requirements of the original equipment manufacturers (information to be provided during the bidding process) and, for the BHS, in accordance with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) for such systems. The contractor shall be responsible for the maintenance of all BHS software and hardware, with exception of the L3 Examiner 6700 screening devices. The contractor shall also be responsible for any necessary repairs to the system.
The contract is anticipated to be for a period of three years with options to extend the contract for two additional years and is estimated at approximately $21,000,000.00 DOLLARS for the initial three year term ($7,000,000.00) per year. The Authority will ask for pricing for the two option years as part of the bid.
A Supplemental Information Package will be available, on Wednesday, March 22, 2023 on the Capital Bid Opportunities webpage of Massport as an attachment to the original Legal Notice, and on COMMBUYS ( in the listings for this project. If you have problems finding it, please contact Susan Brace at Capital Programs The Supplemental Information Package will provide detailed information about Scope of Work, Selection Criteria and Submission Requirements.
The Contractor shall specify in its cover letter that it has the ability to obtain requisite insurance coverage.
This submission shall be addressed to Luciana Burdi, Director of Capital Programs and Environmental Affairs and received no later than 12:00 pm on Wednesday, April 12, 2023 at the Massachusetts Port Authority, Logan Office Center, One Harborside Drive, Suite 209S, Logan International Airport, East Boston, MA 02128-2909. Any submission which is not received in a timely manner shall be rejected by the Authority as non-responsive. Any information provided to the Authority in any Proposal or other written or oral communication between the Proposer and the Authority will not be, or deemed to have been, proprietary or confidential, although the Authority will use reasonable efforts not to disclose such information to persons who are not employees or vendors retained by the Authority except as may be required by M.G.L. c.66.