Mass. State Project No. DCP2136 State Transportation Building & MITC – Renovation and Modernization, Boston & Chelsea, MA
Request for Qualifications for Construction Management at Risk Services Mass. State Project No. DCP2136
State Transportation Building & MITC – Renovation and Modernization, Boston & Chelsea, MA
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, through its Division of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance (DCAMM), requests that qualified and experienced firms submit a Statement of Qualification and required information to be received through DCAMM’s E-Bid Room at no later than 2:00 PM, September 29, 2021.
Firms interested in providing Public Construction Manager at Risk Services (“CM” or “CM at Risk”) for the State Transportation Building & Mass. Information Technology Center (MITC) – Renovation and Modernization, Boston & Chelsea, MA, are invited to submit a Statement of Qualifications (“SOQ”) to the Division of Capital Asset Management & Maintenance (“DCAMM”). This CM at Risk procurement is conducted pursuant to M.G.L. 149A, contained in Chapter 193 of the Acts of 2004. This Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is the first phase of a two-phase procurement process as set forth in M.G.L. 149A. DCAMM is prequalifying firms interested in providing public CM at Risk services for the project through the RFQ process. DCAMM will evaluate submitted SOQs based upon the identified evaluation criteria as set forth in the RFQ and will select those respondents it deems qualified. Only those respondents deemed qualified will be invited to submit a proposal in response to a detailed Request for Proposals (“RFP”), which will be issued in the second phase of the procurement process. The project delivery method for construction will be public CM at Risk with a Guaranteed Maximum Price (“GMP”) under M.G.L. 149A.
In addition, firms interested in being prequalified must demonstrate that they have had prior experience as a Construction Manager on at least three CM-at-Risk projects and have completed at least one project of a similar cost, complexity, type and size as this project as it is described further below and in the RFQ. The prior CM-at-Risk projects must have been completed within the last ten (10) years.
At the time a CM firm submits the Qualifications Statement, it must have a DCAMM Certification in the Contractor Category, “General Building Construction”, with a single limit greater than the Estimated Total Project cost of $16,300,000. See for certification forms and the required Update Form.
This project will renovate and modernize interior office spaces at the State Transportation Building and the Massachusetts Information Technology Center (MITC). Work at the State Transportation Building includes infill of an interior stair, mechanical upgrades to the VAV system, reconfiguration of interior office partitions, and upgrading the finishes to approximately 63,000 usable square feet. Work at the MITC includes construction of a radio room and exterior radio antenna, building improvements to the main lobby/vestibule, reconfiguration of interior office partitions, and upgrading office finishes.
The Request for Qualifications may be downloaded from or DCAMM’s E Bid Room at on or after Wednesday, September 8, 2021. Instructions on the E-Bid Room processes can be found on DCAMM’s website or contact DCAMM’s Bid Room at (617) 727-4003 or
Carol W. Gladstone