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Harold Street Infrastructure Improvements


Windale Developers, Inc.
95 Humboldt Ave.,
Dorchester, MA 02121
(617) 445-5100

INVITATION TO BID for the construction project entitled Harold Street Infrastructure Improvements, Roxbury, MA.

Windale Developers, Inc. (WDI), hereinafter referred to as the Developer, hereby invites sealed competitive bids for the above-entitled project. Bids shall be on a form supplied by the Owner, shall be clearly identified as a bid, shall contain the required bid deposit and certifications and shall be signed by the bidder. All bids for this project are subject to all applicable provisions of law, including without limitation, sections 39F and 39K through 39P of Chapter 30 and Chapter 149 Sections 29 and 44A-44J, inclusive of the Massachusetts General Laws, as amended, and shall be in accordance with the terms and provisions of the contract documents entitled Harold Street Infrastructure Improvements.

SCOPE OF WORK: The work in general includes the widening and the re-construction of Harold Street, located between Hollander and Holworthy Streets, along with sidewalks, crosswalks and curbs at both intersections. For further information relating to the interpretation of the contract documents please contact Imad Zrein, P.E., Devellis Zrein Inc., 508-473-4114 or by e-mail at No questions will be answered if received after 4:00 p.m. 72 hours prior to the bid due date.

TIME AND PLACE FOR FILING BIDS: General bids shall be filed with the Owner at the office of the Developer, Windale Developers, Inc., 95 Humboldt Avenue, Dorchester, MA 02121-1212, before 4:00 PM on January 17, 2025 at which time and place respective bids will be opened forthwith and read aloud.

All bidders are hereby notified that bid deposits must accompany the filed proposal, must be a minimum of five percent (5.0%) of his or her bid and shall be in the form of a bid bond, certified check, cashier’s check or treasurers check made payable to the Windale Developers, Inc. All bids which are not accompanied by the proper bid deposit or certification or which are on a form not completely filled in or which are incomplete, conditional or obscure, or which contain any additions or deductions not called for, shall be invalid.

A pre-bid conference will be held at the site, Harold Street (between Hollander and Holworthy Streets), Roxbury, MA at 11:00 A.M. on December 19, 2025. Attendance at the pre-bid conference is not mandatory; however, all bidders will be held responsible for what transpires whether they were present or not.

CONTRACT DOCUMENTS: Plans, Specifications, Contract Requirements, and Bid Forms for the Work will be made available digitally from the Developer, Windale Developers, Inc. 95 Humboldt Ave., Dorchester, MA 02121 after 10AM on December 9, 2025. If interested, please call (617) 445-5100 or 617-293-7116 and send an email to

The attention of all bidders is specifically directed to the contract provisions regarding bonds, insurance, permits, time of performance, liquidated damages and minimum wage rates. The attention of all bidders is also directed to ‘An Ordinance Regulating Employers on Public Construction Contracts’ and associated Sponsor Verification Form.

The attention of all bidders is specifically directed to the Boston Resident Jobs Policy of the contract. In accordance with the Boston Resident Jobs Policy, the contractor during the performance of the work shall be required to maintain a ratio in each trade of the project of not less than Fifty percent (50%) Boston Residents in each trade of the project, Twenty-Five percent (25%) Minority and Ten percent (10%) Women workers for this Contract. The attention of all Bidders is specifically directed to the MBE requirements contained in the Notice to Bidders and General Conditions. Additionally the contractor is notified of the requirements to pay not less than the prevailing minimum wage stated in the Contract Documents and also the Labor Harmony Clause stated in the Notice to All Bidders.

Attention is directed to the Notice to all Bidders, the Form for General Bid, and the prohibition of abnormally high or low prices for any item of work. Bids may be held by WDI for a period not to exceed thirty (30) business days from the date of the opening of bids for the purpose of reviewing the bids and investigating the qualifications of the bidders, prior to awarding the contract. WDI reserves the right to waive any and all informalities in the bidding or to reject any and all bids if it is in the public interest to do so.


This project will be awarded to the lowest eligible and responsible bidder.