The Boston Water and Sewer Commission by its Executive Director invites sealed bids for CONTRACT # 25-309-004, SEWER AND DRAIN MONITORING IN THE CITY OF BOSTON Bids must be accompanied by a bid deposit, certified check, treasurers or cashier’s check, or in the form of a bid bond in the amount of 5% OF BID payable to and to become the property of the Commission if the bid, after acceptance, is not carried out. In addition, a performance bond and also a labor and materials payment bond, each of a surety company qualified to do business under the laws of the Commonwealth and satisfactory to the Executive Director, and each in the sum of 100 % OF THE CONTRACT PRICE, must be submitted within the time specified in the Contract document. Bid documents may be obtained by downloading it from the BWSC Portal BIDNET DIRECT. Bids must be submitted on the forms obtained from the Director of Procurement, in A sealed envelope, clearly marked BIDS FOR CONTRACT # 25-309-004, SEWER AND DRAIN MONITORING IN THE CITY OF BOSTON. Bids will be publicly opened and read at the office of the Director of Procurement on APRIL 10,2025. 11:00AM. The rate of wages paid in the work to be performed under the contract shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wages in the schedule determined by the Department of Labor, Division of Occupational Safety of the Commonwealth, a copy of which schedule is annexed to the form of contract referred to herein. Before commencing performance on this contract, the contractor shall provide by insurance for the payment of compensation and the furnishing of all other benefits under Chapter 152 of the General Laws (The Workmen’s Compensation Law, so called). Attention is called to Chapter 370 of the Acts of 1963, which must be strictly complied with. No bid for the award of this project will be considered acceptable unless the Contractor agrees to comply fully with the requirement of the Minority Employee Utilization Requirement as set forth in Article VIII of the Contract and the Utilization of Minority and Women Owned Business Enterprises as set forth in Article X of the Contract. The Executive Director reserves the right to reject any and all bids. The Award of any contract is subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners.
Henry F. Vitale
Executive Director