I don’t think taking people’s right to own guns away will solve the problem. People will want them more. But you have to restrict access with more regulations. — Nymah Kumah, Laborer, Roxbury
Honestly, I think it’s a battle that will continue to be fought. It won’t be easily resolved. You have to reach people who carry guns. — Nadine Jones-Ruffin, Clinical Supervisor, Roxbury
I don’t think there’s any one policy. You need a lot of different policies depending on where in the U.S. you are. — George Silas, Community Outreach, Dorchester
Nothing. Nothing at all. — Bryana, Student, Mattapan
More controls. Young people shouldn’t be able to have gun licenses. — Angel, Laborer, Mission Hill
You have to screen people better. Background checks. People should have a good reason for owning a gun. You can’t just give them to everybody. — Abdula Saccoh, Student, Boston