Roving Camera 1-10-19: To what extent is litter a problem in your community?
It’s a problem. People act like they
don’t know they’re not supposed to
litter. It’s ignorant. — Jason Reyes, Construction, Dorchester
I don’t like it. I know I litter, too, but
we shouldn’t do it. — Dyamond, Cashier, Dorchester
It’s very bad. It’s too common.
It’s everywhere. — Jamaal Wornum, Street Worker, Dorchester
I litter. I don’t think it’s a problem. — Kayla, Student, Roxbury
We don’t have a litter problem in
Hyde Park. There are trash cans
everywhere.— Segun Idowu, Executive Director, Hyde Park
It bothers me. People need to clean
up after themselves. They should
care about their surroundings. If we
keep our community clean, the violence
will come down. — Treosha, Real Estate, Dorchester