Roving Camera 9/25/14
Because they think the people they vote for can’t win. — Maxine Fleming, Clerk, Brockton
Because it doesn’t make a difference. It’s the same as it has been. That’s the way most of us see it. — Reginald Lefty Coleman, Salesman, Roxbury
I think they get to a state where they don’t care anymore because politicians don’t do anything for them. Politicians don’t treat black people with respect. — Sandra Layne, Customer Service, Dorchester
They don’t trust the government. — Jaheed Rahman, Personal Trainer, Roxbury
Maybe because people are scared to take the wrong position. People don’t want to get involved. — Jamal Colon, Woburn, Accountant
Because they believe that politicians lie to them and they figure their vote doesn’t matter. I do vote. — Lascene Nappier, Teacher, Roxbury