Roving Camera 9-21-17

Yes. At this day and time, it’s very important. —Tony, Carpenter, Dorchester

Yes. Not only is it my right, but if I don’t vote it’s a waste of my rights. —Shakera, Senior Library Assistant, Hyde Park

Yes, I am. It’s important because it’s the best way for us to make a difference in our community. —Lisa Hurston, Disabled, Mattapan

I am. We have to determine who we have in office. We have to get the right people in, if there is such a thing. —Lester Fleming, Retired Chef, Dorchester

I’m working in the polls. I have to vote. It’s important because our voices have to be heard in order for us to have the representation we want.—Kristeen Petit-Frere,Administrative Assistant, Mattapan

I actually have to. I’m a warden. It’s important that we all exercise our civil freedoms.—Karen Powell-Vinson, ,Head Account Clerk, Roxbury