Roving Camera 9-20-18: Do you think the quality of life of Bostonians is improving?

It depends on the economic level. It’s getting better for the rich, but the poor are getting poorer.—Almecer McMillion, Massage Therapist, Boston

No. I see a lot of gentrification going on. There’s a lot of new housing, but not a lot of it is affordable. Boston is improving financially, but there are a lot of poor people.—Batese Walker Woodberry, CNA/Student, Dorchester

Honestly, no. There’s not enough jobs for people of color. There’s still a lot of discrimination. It’s tough to find work.—Cheryl Crockett, Teacher, Dorchester

No, I do not. The economy is not working. Jobs are a little better, but homelessness is ridiculous.—Heide, Administrative Assistant, Dorchester

No, because people are still dying. People are homeless. You see people nodding everywhere. It’s sad that they’re going through that. I’m glad we’ve got people in office who can do something about it.—S.H., Teacher, Roxbury

No. They haven’t changed anything. We’re still struggling with housing. People are out here smoking weed and stealing.—Yolanda, Mother, Dorchester