Roving Camera 9-19-19: Are you planning to vote in the preliminary election next Tuesday?
Yes. I think it’s important to exercise
your right to vote. You have a right
to have a say in what’s going on in
your city. — Makayla, Campaign Manager, Hyde Park
Yes. It’s important because so many
things can be changed in our community if we all vote. — Calvin, Mail Carrier, Mattapan
Of course. It’s important for our community to vote in every election. You can’t sit out an election and expect
change. — Joao DePina, Florist, Roxbury
Yes. It’s always important to vote. — Charles Butler, Service Coordinator, Dorchester
Yes. We’ve got to put people in
office who will improve the community. — Larry Thomas, Cook, Roxbury
Of course. We’ve got everything to
gain and nothing to lose. — Mark Bowden, Warehouse Worker, Roxbury