Roving Camera 9/18/14
I think integration and diversity are good things. And the schools should have equal resources. We want our kids to excel and we have to give them the resources they need. — Thomas Flynt, Retired Court Officer, Roxbury
I think kids get a more well-rounded experience in integrated classrooms. But the reason behind busing was to have equal access to good schools and resources. — Russell Glover, Plumber, Roxbury
It’s very important. Kids should go to school with kids from all types of backgrounds. It broadens their perspective. — Raphael Gonzales, Hospitality, Cambridge
Integration is good, but the thing that’s important is for the kids to go to school in their own neighborhood. — Marshall Cooper, Retired, Dorchester
It’s important. It teaches kids tolerance and gives them an understanding of other cultures and different ways of being. — Kendra Calloway, Event Manager, Dorchester
It’s very important. It’s good for kids to interact with kids from other backgrounds. — Angie Cruz, Cook, Dorchester