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Roving Camera 9/11/14

In order to maintain the status quo in the class system as we know it, there has to be a bottom tier. It’s about maintaining the class system so there’s very few people with a lot of money. — Bethany Serota, Attorney, Roxbury
Because workers accept it. If they would stand up, they could change things. — James Young, Retired, Roxbury
The rich decided 30 years ago to drive wages down to Brazil levels. They knocked the working class down. It was their solution to declining profits. — Jed Hresko, Accountant, Roxbury
Our country has lost touch with reality. I respect the minimum wage people who are protesting for $15 an hour. That wouldn’t be doing us a favor. That would keep us up with the cost of living. — Larry James, Maintenance Worker, North End
The people who are in the higher class are getting what they want and they’re not worried about the low wage workers who are keeping the economy going. If we stand up and vote, we’ll get better wages. — Ron Harper, Retired, Roxbury
It’s mostly African Americans who are paid low wages. They don’t want them to excel. As long as African Americans don’t know their rights, they’ll stay where they’re at now. — Virginia, Retired, Roxbury
Why do you think wages are so low in the United States?