Roving Camera 9-6-18: What do you think Democrats need to do to retake Congress?
We have to show what we’re for, not just what we’re against. He have to stand for healthcare, education and jobs for everyone. —Will Poff, Community Liason, Jamaica Plain
They need to continue what they’re doing now. Support the investigation by special counsel Muller and fight the Supreme Court appointees. —Tracey Johnson, Clerk, Roxbury
Former District 7 City Councilor Tito Jackson.
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They need to follow through with their promises and be more available to the public. —Michelle Reid, Store Manager, Roxbury
Democratic voters need to come out in droves. —Lisa Lee, Roxbury, Artist
They would need to appeal to the group that’s in the middle, that hopefully will find its moral compass. I think they’ve seen lack of unity and moral fortitude from the other party.—Bill Raynor, Educator, Roxbury