Roving Camera 8-8-19: Why do you think there are so many mass shootings in the United States?
Because there’s no regulation on gun sales. Especially in the South and in the West. — Christine Clark, Radiology Assistant, Roxbury
There’s a lack of oversight. We need stronger gun control laws. — Willie Thornton, Retired, Boston
Parents don’t have control over their kids. There are more guns available. These things are more likely to happen. — James Price, Retired, Chelsea
Too much easy access to guns. There’s not enough restrictions. They should at least check people’s background before allowing them access to guns. — Mirline Louis, Medical Assistant, Boston
I think because young people aren’t getting enough education on basic values — respect, love, how they conduct themselves. They’re not getting mental health services either. — Christine, Retired, South End
I really don’t know. It’s just out of control. I think it’s partly because young people aren’t receiving mental health services. — Edward Haynesworth, Retired, Roxbury