Roving Camera 8/7/14

Yes. My wife is in the teachers union. Whoever they’re voting for, I’ll vote for. — Quintin, Disabled, Roxbury

I am. I always exercise my civic duty. It’s an important race. I also think it’s import to think about how we hold our elected officials accountable to our community. — Phil Reason, Organizer, Roxbury

Of course. I think it’s important that all people of color vote so we can have a voice in what is going on in the state. Without the vote, our voice will be silent. Your level of income does not determine your right to speak up on what is going on in the city. — Paulette Sadberry, Retired, South End

No. I think the politicians are ignorant of what’s going on in the community. — Ishmael, Chess Teacher, Roxbury

Yes. All elections are important because they have an impact on public policy. Those of us who live in the black community should be voting in every election. — Bob Terrell, Executive Director, Roxbury

Yes. People have died for the right to vote in the country. Voting is power. When you don’t vote, you give up your power to someone else. — Bob Marshall, Retired Education Activist, Roxbury