Roving Camera 8-30-18: What changes would you like to see in local government?
I’d like to see more jobs and more housing. New houses are going up, but nobody can afford them.—Thomas Gonzales, Disabled, Boston
More personal care workers for the elderly.—Sheila R., Personal Care Attendant, Dorchester
More services for the homeless so they can get off the street.—Robin Graham, Student, Dorchester
We need more affordable housing because there are a lot of people who are homeless. They’re putting up a lot of new buildings, but a only small percentage of them are affordable.—Lorraine Hardy, Prep Chef, Hyde Park
I think the housing situation. Housing isn’t affordable and there are too many homeless people. They need to clean up the Methadone Mile.—Christopher Evans, Home Remodeling, Dorchester
I would like to see prisons educate inmates and for them to lighten the bail for petty crimes. I’d also like to see more speed bumps on inner city streets.—Albert Wilkins, Retired MBTA Driver, Dorchester