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Roving Camera 8/29/2013

I think it’s come pretty far because we have a day to celebrate his life. We celebrate what he’s done for the world. — Shaylah Thames, Student, Roxbury
I think we’ve come pretty far. But a lot of things need to change. Boston is pretty racist. Many of us don’t seem to notice because we’ve lived here all our lives. It’s subtle, but there’s a lot that should change. — Shawntell Usher, Student, Roxbury
I guess we’ve come pretty far. But there’s still a ways to go. I major in mechanical engineering. People say, “You’re a black female — good luck.” What do they mean by that? It’s like I’m not supposed to be doing this. — Renee Baxter, Student, Roxbury
We’ve come a long way, but there’s still work to be done. Racism is still alive and well. It’s up to us —black, white, red and brown — to fix it. We need to make our leaders accountable for our progress. — Henry A. Winbush, Retired, Roxbury
We’ve come a long way, but there’s still progress to be made. — Abdur Rahman, Student, Roxbury
I think we still have a long way to go. Back in the ‘60s, people were segregated based on race. Now we’re segregated based on education and economics, and those differences are based on race. — Aaliya Turner, Student, Roxbury
How far do you think America has come toward realizing Martin Luther King Jr.’s dream?