Roving Camera 8/28/14
Yes. I’m going to vote, and it’s my right. It’s the only way we have to exercise my voice. I’m concerned about who we elect. — Will Smith, Computer Analyst, Roxbury
No. I’m not informed about it. I didn’t even know it was coming. — Tresean Braxton, Customer Service, Dorchester
Yes. We as blacks need to be more vigilant about who is in government. Michelle Winbush, Student, Roxbury
Yes. It’s imperative that we put people in office who will benefit our community. — Delmariato Grice, Construction, Roxbury
Yes. We need to have a say about who’s taking care of our community. I’m concerned about violence. — Catherine Pleas, Retired, Roxbury
Yes. I don’t miss a vote. That is my civic duty. — Barbara Rosa, Office Specialist, Dorchester