Overincarceration, the disparate minority contact with the court system and the national obsession with the concept that racism is over. — La Mer Kyle-Griffiths, Public Defender, Lexington, KY
We have a lot of issues — a lack of confidence in our ability to succeed and a lack of guidance and support for young people. — Denesha, Student, Dorchester
Economic stability. In order for us to progress, we have to be able to take care of ourselves, and that’s not happening. — Charles Jones, Surgical Technician, Roxbury
Lack of motivation. People don’t try to better themselves. They get stuck in their ways. — Amariah Ritchie, Student, Dorchester
Drugs. Especially in the inner city. Drug abuse is a serious problem. — A. Gilbert, Claims Assistant, Mattapan
We’re still judged by our looks, like Trayvon. There are some things I don’t think will ever change. — Larry Thomas, Retired, Roxbury