Roving Camera 8/21/14
I think they’re afraid of us. Black people are starting to vote more. They want us to feel like we can’t have power. — Samuel Pierce, College Student, Dorchester
It’s because things aren’t equal. Police take care of white people, but not blacks. They hire Irish people to police blacks. It’s genocide of young black men. — Leroy Lockett, Retired, Roxbury
I think they’re scared of us. That’s all it is. — Jerry Caesar, Transportation Worker, Dorchester
There’s not enough black officers. You need diversity and communication. It’s a problem when you have a minority being policed by the majority. — Donald Scott, Mechanic, South End
There’s a lot of fear there. I think they’re trying to destroy our population. — Cedric Daniels, Youth Outreach Coordinator, Dorchester
It’s an age-old problem. We need to build better race relations. We need to get police officers to learn how to work with black people. — Anthony Brewer, State Employee, Roxbury