Roving Camera 8/14/14
No. It doesn’t kill anyone. Alcohol kills more people than marijuana does, and it’s legal. — Trae Pendleton, Transportation Worker, Roxbury
Of course not. It’s not as bad as alcohol. I’m 81 and I’ve been smoking marijuana since I was 14. It should be up to the individual. — Thomas Brown, Retired, Roxbury
No. It’s about to be legal. Why waste the taxpayer’s dollars on an herb that grows naturally. I don’t smoke it, but I think people should be able to. — Susan Minot, Certified Nursing Assistant, Dorchester
No. I think some people need marijuana for health. There are a lot of others things that should be a priority for law enforcement. — SH, Grandparent, Roxbury
In a way, yes. It alters people’s thinking. It inhibits their ability to do the right thing. — Leslie Trotman, Caterer, Dorchester
If they’re giving out medical cards for marijuana, I think it should be legal. — Jamal Abdal-Khallaq, House Manager, Roxbury