Roving Camera 8-10-17
I don’t think Trump will last. I think he’ll be impeached because of the emoluments clause. He’s enriching himself. He has no moral compass. — Zakiya Alake, Civil Rights Defender, Dorchester
I don’t think he will. I think the people who put him in office will oust him. They’re realizing that he’s an embarrassment to the country. — Sarah McCoy, Office Manager, Roxbury
Not Really. He’s no good for this country. But white people still like him. — Michael Young, Unemployed, Roxbury
No. I don’t think so. I think he’ll do something to get himself impeached. His supporters will get tired of his antics. — Maurice Smith, Chef, Dorchester
He should be out now. He’s a failure at everything. He’s too self-centered. — Lisa Jenkins, Administrative Assistant, Roslindale
No. Because he’s trampling on the Constitution. He’s enriching himself. — Justin Fernandes, Community Organizer, Dorchester