Roving Camera 7/31/14
It’s been going on for years. It’s the way the economy works. — Willie Taylor, Retired Welder, Roxbury
I think it’s because they’re trying to make businesses more profitable by paying lower wages. Wages don’t keep up with inflation. It’s a way of keeping the lower class low and the upper class high. — Stephen Hendrix, Executive Chef, Roxbury
Rich people are greedy. They don’t want to pay taxes, but they tax poor people. It’s not right. — Lisa Mayes, Disabled, Dorchester
It’s all by design. It’s greed. Look at how many people are living in poverty. It’s sad. — Gregory Bray, Baker, Mattapan
I think that’s how it’s always been. The rich want to stay rich. You just have to live as best you can. — Geralyn Skinner, Residential Counselor, Dorchester
For working class people, employers don’t want to pay you what your job is worth. You can’t live off the wages they pay. It’s greed. The less they pay, the more they make. — Anthony Raines, Baggage Agent, Roxbury