Roving Camera 7-27-17
Housing. Affording housing for the residents of Boston. Not for the developers, for the residents. And education and jobs for the youth, so they can afford to pay rent. — Valerie Shelley, Resident Leader, Roxbury
I think it’s the gun violence on the streets and all the drug addicts hanging around on the streets. — Tiffany W., Patient Information Specialist, Roxbury
The development crisis is one of the most pressing issues. I would say the city puts profits over people, but it’s inaccurate; they don’t see us as people. — Michael Prentice, Organizer, Roxbury
I think jobs and housing. The pay in this city doesn’t match the cost of living. — Kevin Wilkerson, Development Coordinator, Roxbury
Incarceration. I think too many people of color are sent to jail for the wrong reasons. Communities like Roxbury need more alternatives. — Ikenna Ucheneu, Student, Jamaica Plain
Education, in light of the budget cuts BPS is facing. With so many higher education institutions, I’d hate to see BPS fall by the wayside. — Eric Martin, Marketing Manager, Jamaica Plain