Roving Camera 7-26-18: What do you think should be the top priorities of the new police commissioner?

Cleaning up Dudley Square. There’s drugs. People are hanging out in front of stores. People need a place to go, but Dudley is not the place.—Dianne Harrison, Bus Monitor, Dorchester

More officers on the street. When there’s trouble, you can never find them.—Evelyn Jackson, Cab Monitor, Grove Hall

Basically, stop ignoring all the drug use in Boston. The cops seem like they don’t see people shooting heroin. They also need to stop harassing people.—Jessica, Pharmacy Technician, Roxbury

I think more community-based interaction with officers and neighborhood residents. The public needs to have more confidence in public servants.—Michael Braxton, Bouncer/Bartender, South End

Community relations and helping to get kids jobs. A lot of them feel like they have to be on the streets to make money.
—Michelle, Medical Billing Coding Specialist, Dorchester

His priority should be the gun violence happening in our community. There’s far too many guns on the streets of Boston.
—Stephanie Brown, Housing Advocate, Roxbury