Roving Camera 7-25-19: What do you think the MBTA needs to change to improve its service?
Mostly customer service on the part
of the bus drivers. They need to be
a little more courteous. There are a
few routes that are busy that need
more buses. — Trinayse Roberts, Bus Monitor, Roxbury
The bus drivers could be a lot more
kind to the riders. — Ishia Slaughter, Home Care, Roxbury
Light it on fire and start all over
again. I’m not a fan, and I’ve been
riding the T for years. — Sueretta Channer, Bus Monitor, Dorchester
The bus drivers are rude and the fares cost too much. The service could be a lot better. — Lacarol Dillard, Unemployed, Roxbury
They need to remap the bus times and upgrade the bus lines. Some buses come once an hour. They need to provide better service before they raise fares. — Clifton Brathwaite, Consultant, Boston
I wish they had more public restrooms, especially for the elderly. They also need better handicap accessibility and more escalators. — Marian Wright, Retired, Dorchester