It never went away. Now it’s more open. It’s going to take a while for things to be where they should. We haven’t come to terms with each other.— Irene Jenson, Bank Teller, Roxbury

It’s America. It’s America’s culture. It’s how the country was built. We can’t change that. We have to make our own spaces. — Sydney Boston, Sales, Dorchester

Because of the difference between the way we were raised. What we were taught. Cultural and religious differences. — Quailia Wright, Disabled, South Boston

I have no idea. I hope things change, eventually. — Anette Boykins, Retired, Roxbury

It’s what people are taught from the beginning. It’s how people’s parents raise them. — Alicia, Secretary, Roxbury

I think the anti-discrimination laws aren’t really enforced. — Juanita, Retired, Roxbury