Roving Camera 6/27/13
We need more trucks selling fresh vegetables in our community. People don’t have access to fresh produce. I’d like to see more funding to organizations that help people eat healthy food. Jeff Durham, Reporter, Dorchester
Supermarkets in the community should carry more health food. If you want something healthy, you have to go to another neighborhood. Arthur Weeks, Community Activist, Roxbury
Start very early teaching children about nutrition and proper balanced diets. If you can get it into children’s minds, that what’s going to bring about change. Bridget Brown, Press Secretary, Dorchester
We need better health education and to eliminate the disparate conditions in our communities. People need better access to healthy food. Stepona Stokes, Grants Manager, Roslindale
It’s our biggest problem. We need to hold community seminars on obesity. Robert Traynham, Bus Driver, South End
People have to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits. Don’t snack between meals. Eat your meals on an empty stomach. Kenneth Yarbrough, Chief Information Officer, Mattapan