Roving Camera 6-20-19: Do you consider yourself patriotic?
I guess I am. I love my country. But I don’t love the president. He has no
respect for this country. — Joseph, Retired, Dorchester
Absolutely. I was born in this country.
I love my people.— Arthur, Transportation, Roxbury
Actually, no I don’t. To me, a patriot
stands up for everybody. I only stand
up for what I believe and what I know. — Jerome Brown, Chef, Roxbury
I am very patriotic. I did two-and-a half tours in Vietnam. I am a real
American. My grandmother was a
Cherokee. My great-grandmother was a slave. — Will L. Thornton, Retired, Dorchester
Yes. I believe in this society. We
have a good system and a foundation
for a good future. Other countries
aren’t so fortunate. — Devin Simon, Writer, Dorchester
Yes. I care very much about what’s
going on in the U.S. with homelessness and racial inequities. I think that makes me patriotic. — Lesica Buford, Disabled, Dorchester