Of course. Everything has to go through Congress. Voters will give them hell. Rich people are a minority in this country. There are enough Democratic voters to make a difference in the next election. — Amina Hutchinson, Line Cook, Boston
Yes, they will. Trump just got into office and he’s blaming everything on Obama. Trump is messing it up for everybody. — Brian Hooker, Unemployed, South End
It’s hard to know what’s in the future. Time will tell. — Betty Watts-Harris, Retired, Boston
I’d like to think so. Common sense should dictate that people take notice. But as we’ve seen in recent elections, people aren’t looking at the big picture, at the overall good. — Terry Turner, Consultant, Roxbury
I think everyone but Trump supporters will take notice. Trump’s ideology is represented in the budget he’s put out. — Tracy, Researcher, Boston
No. Some people may lose their jobs, but the rich will get richer. The Republican party will be fine. — Dana C., Music Sales, Roxbury