Roving Camera 5-9-19: How do you think the city should respond to the opiate crisis in Boston?
I don’t even think there’s been an increase. I think it’s just been recognized more since it’s reached the white picket fences. They need to treat everyone equally. — Ruth Bunch, Retired, Roxbury
What they should have done a long time ago is put them in places that give them real rehabilitation. If you’re going to help them, help them all the way. — Rocko, Freelancer, Dorchester
I think they should treat it like a sickness, like they do in the suburbs. More treatment facilities and more education for family members to understand how not to enable. — Regina, Receptionist, Roxbury
They should open up more halfway houses, more detox facilities as opposed to the harm reduction approach. You can’t help people without doing that. — Mr. Cobb, Retired, Dorchester
Treat everyone equally. Just because a white man is addicted doesn’t mean he should be treated any differently than black people. — Yannie Jones, Freight Worker, Dorchester
Re-open the Long Island shelter. They need more facilities for longterm care. — Mike Prentice, Communications Associate, Roxbury