Roving Camera 5-23-19: Are you paying attention to the presidential candidates?
Yes. I like Elizabeth Warren. She shows and proves. She used facts to back up her ideas. — Cedric Daniels, Independent Contractor, Roxbury
I heard Joe Biden speak. I’d support him. He was vice president under Obama. He supports union workers. — Michael Hall, Cook, Roxbury
Kind of, but not really. To me, they’re all insiders. The Democrats need someone who’s not an insider. — Donnie Dixon, Retired School Teacher, Roxbury
Joe Biden’s my man. People trust him because he was with Obama. He has eight years of experience. The other candidates don’t know squat. — Rodney, Janitor, South End
Yes. I like Joe Biden. I think he can beat Trump. Trump has to go. He wants a dictatorship. — Ronald Simpkins, Retired, Framingham
Yes. I like Biden. He was with Barack Obama. He’s a good dude and he has the best chance of winning. — John, Retired, Roxbury