Get rid of the guns. Get kids into summer programs and jobs. —Brandy ,Student, Roxbury

More programming for kids. The more activities they have, the more safety they’ll enjoy.
—Herb Lozano, Marketing Manager, Dorchester

Give the young people plenty to do. Give them opportunities to go places, like summer camp.—Leonard Egerton, Business Owner, Dorchester

More patrols in the hot areas where there’s a lot of violence. I know the older gentleman who was shot last week. It’s sad when you can’t even sit outside.—Renee Hooker, Human Services, New Bedford

Get the residents involved in an anti-crime strategy. They know the origins of it. They know how to solve it.—Tanese, Lamar, Unit Coordinator

More jobs for the youth. Parents have to make more time for their
families, too. —Torli Krua, Reverend, Roxbury