It’s basically up to the individual. If you are aware of the resources available, you will succeed. — Deb, Medical Assistant, Roxbury
You have to have stability. A lot of people have good jobs, but the rent is too high. — Christian Cox, Facility Management, Roxbury
Education and a well-paying job. Education is the only thing that’s going to get us ahead. — Kay, Homemaker, Hyde Park
It’s going to take improving education for youth. They need skill sets that will give them an advantage in the workforce. — Supreme Richardson, Change Agent, Dorchester
A good education, because you need a good job to keep up with the high cost of living here. — Carey Harris, Retired, Mattapan
You have to have discipline and be patient. When things don’t go your way, you have to be willing to try something else. — Edward Galloway, Entrepreneur, Dorchester