Roving Camera 4/23/2014
I think there’s an increased awareness of how to work together among citizens, medical, emergency and police personnel. There’s more of a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood and keeping our community safe. Stephen Hanley, Executive Director, Roxbury
I think it’s too soon to say the city has changed. We have a new mayor who’s aware of the urban community being underserved. He’s made good on some of his promises. As far as security, I’m sure everything is more secure Mikey Milers, Carpenter, Roslindale
I think we’ve become more aware and I think we’ve become closer. Lilian O’Neal, Retired, Jamaica Plain
We have been strengthened by it, but there’s also a complaint that when something tragic happens in any neighborhood, people should be able to feel that pain on a wider scale. Jumaada AK Smith, Retired, Roxbury
I don’t think it has. It’s a sad situation the way the media reports on events without looking at the root causes — how international politics plays a role. Is it Boston strong or Boston wrong? Heywood Fennell, Playwright, Roxbury
Personally, I really don’t think it’s changed at all because we’ve had so many incidents in this city. Callie Cox, Retired, Roxbury