Roving Camera 4/10/14

Yes. We need representation. The only people who know about our everyday experience is black people. It’s very important to have a voice in government. — Mark Mitchell, Human Services Advocate, Dorchester

Yes. Because we have our own identity. We’re not yet fully represented in government, and we’re losing a lot of our rights. — Lee Buckley, Real Estate Broker, Boston

Yes. We live in a democracy. Government is supposed to be the voice of the people. Black people should be represented at every level. — Banjineh Op Browne, Educator/Emcee, Roxbury

Yes, because they should look after their own kind. We need more people in politics. It’s all about who you know. — Janyce Cunningham, Student, Roxbury

Yes. Black people just want a chance to better their lives. They can do that through government. — Charleston Johnson, Retired, Randolph

Yes, so we can get ahead. The government runs the country. We should be part of it. — Jerri Francis, Administrative Assistant, Dorchester