Roving Camera 3-7-19: Do you think Donald Trump will make it through his first term in office?
I think he’ll survive his first term, but he will be arrested sooner or later. They need to lock him up. — Kyle King, Cashier, Dorchester
I really wish he would be impeached. He needs to be gone a long time ago. What comes out of his mouth is just plain racist. He’s the worst president we’ve ever had.
— Natalie, Retired, Dorchester
I think he will be impeached, given all the stuff he’s got going on with his businesses. I wish he had never been elected. — Richard, Mechanic, Mattapan
I think before 2020 he will have an impeachment hearing. In 2020, there will be another president, probably a female.
— Miguel Morales, Student, Dorchester
I think he’ll be indicted because of all the things Cohen revealed. They have more than enough evidence. They just need supporting documents. — Ny’Cole, Office Manager, Dorchester
I think he’ll finish. Nobody’s gotten anything on him yet. — Michael Young, Retired, Roxbury